I did many of the things that students do (or did during those years a few decades ago).
I've raided the bathrooms in academic buildings to steal toilet paper from the bathrooms to throw over the trees and power lines at Toomer's Corner. Access to buildings was much less controlled back during the 1970's. Here's a live web cam of Toomer's Corner.
Toomer's Corner web cam.
I sat in Legion field as a freshman in 1972 and watched Bill Newton block an Alabama punt and David Langner pick it up and run into the end zone. I then watched the same thing happen again, same two players, and I saw my first Auburn victory over Alabama as a college freshman.
I saw Bo Jackson electrify the crowd as he put it into second gear and carried the ball about 90 yards for a touchdown.
I was in Jordan Hare Stadium on December 2, 1989 and saw Auburn defeat number 2 Alabama 30-20, when Alabama first came to the Plains to visit.
My time as a student at Auburn ended in 1981 on the night of the graduation from vet school, as I skinny dipped in one of the ponds at Conway's trailer park the night of graduation with a bunch of fellow new graduates.
That was a long time ago. And cell phone cameras didn't exist, thank heavens.
Auburn defeats Oregon 22-19 to win the BCS Championship
There were many standout players last night, of course, but let's look at kicker Wes Byrum.

He tweeted this early this morning:
What a blessing and unbelievable experience... War Eagle. We national champs baby!!!
In part, of course, because of his last second 19 yard field goal.
Then he tweeted this:
Shout out to all the fans and the whole auburn family! We love you War Damn
I like this tweet from a few days ago.
About to take a much needed nap. What a blessing it is to know everything I've worked for since I was a little kid is only two days away!!!
And this one:
War eagle to the best fans in college football!
Thanks Wes for being such a positive person and for being an inspirational player and...for putting it through the uprights to secure the National Championship for the Auburn family!
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