This is new. Bessemer officials must be trying to keep me happy. Christmas decorations on the light poles like you might see downtown, on Dartmouth Avenue! This "flake" is at our corner. Think they are trying to tell me something?
Here are some pictures of our house at night, with garland and bows on the fence. Do you think we need lights on the chimney?
It would make a good spooky house, don't you think? We do have a ghost, and a ghost hunter type person brought an instrument here once to take some readings.
December in Bessemer means grand parties, and Christmas here is always merry. Fabulously so.
I think you need something in/or on the upper windows to give the house some height.
There are actually some Christmas trees in the two center upper windows. I just didn't have them turned on last night.
I think if you had lights on the eaves and on the gables it would show up more.
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