The Year of Moving Forward

The Year of Moving Forward
At our 4 person wedding reception in DC

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Flags are Flying

Channel 6 reported last night that the Rainbow Flags are flying in Birmingham!

This video is dedicated to Mayor Larry Langford. Listen to the words, mayor. For the rest of us...Dance!

Actually the video isn't that great, but the song is nice.

I want to urge everyone to come to the parade Saturday. You don't have to be gay to enjoy a parade, but if you are gay, you have no excuse. You should either be part of a group taking part, or on the sidelines cheering us on.

If you are not gay, please lend your support. Show the mayor that Birmingham is an accepting city, and is proud of all its residents. The line up for the parade starts at 6:30...the parade kicks off at 8:30. Just go to Five Points South and join the crowd lining up for the parade.

The lead unit in the parade will be a Veterans group. How fitting, on the week that Sam Nunn, one of the principle lawmakers responsible for Don't Ask, Don't Tell, speaks out telling America it is time to revisit the policy. Gays and lesbians now and always have fought to defend our freedom, even when they do not enjoy the rights and freedoms they are fighting for.

Alabama Stonewall Democrats will be in the line-up. Watch for our bubble blowing pick up truck, and speaking of Stonewall Democrats, join us at our next meeting June 19, 5:30 at Logan's in Crestwood. We heard at the Interfaith meeting the other night that we need to get more political, and certainly if policy is to be changed it must come through the governing bodies, local, state and federal. And face it, the Democrats are the only ones who (somewhat) consistently stand up for our rights. So join us.

And make friends with us on myspace:
Join our group on Facebook: Alabama Stonewall Democrats Group

1 comment:

Christine McIntosh said...

Can't quite make the parade, Joe - but wouldn't it be good if I could? There in spirit with you.