The Year of Moving Forward

The Year of Moving Forward
At our 4 person wedding reception in DC

Monday, August 23, 2010

On Tuesday

This is a reminder about August 24, 2010.

It is Election Day in Bessemer.

Whether you are reading this on Monday or Tuesday, consider the following.

Do you want to continue to have crime ignored?

Do you want to continue to keep the money we pay for the schools in taxes to be hoarded and mis-spent by the city on lord knows what?

Do you want to continue to have the city finances kept secret?

Do you want to continue to have a mayor and council at odds, who act as though they have taken a vow to act like tom cats all after Miss Kitty?

Do you want Bessemer to pay its first responders so poorly that once they are trained they are tempted to go elsewhere just because the pay is better?

Do you want the business community, which brings dollars, jobs, dollars, tourists, dollars, prestige and more dollars to our coffers, to continue to be ignored?

Do you want outside business entities that are considering a site for business to continue to overlook our city, thus losing potential, no actual, jobs that our citizens could hold?

If these are the things you want for our city, just don't vote. Let things stay the same.

But if you want the opposite of the above, if you want to see Bessemer improve, vote for change in Bessemer;

vote Ken Gulley for mayor.

While you are at it, vote for:

David Vance - council 1

Chester Porter - council 2

Jessie Burrell - council 3

Ralph Hodge - council 4

Ron Marshall - council 5

Jesse Matthews - council 6

Cleo King - council 7

Janet Ruffin - Education 2

Wanda Thomas - Education 7

Here are some of the reasons for those choices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a good chance for change folks. We cannot afford to elect one of the current elected officials to the mayor's position. As a city employee I have seen corruption from the mayor, had racist remarks aimed at me by one council woman who has also demonstrated contempt for the law and another council person recently demonstrated their true strips in the great photo scandal of '10. Please people, I emplore you to look at one of the other candidates this go-around. And please take a good look especially at Gulley. We cannot afford 4 more years of this.