He has said on more than one occasion that crime in Bessemer is just a "perception." In a newspaper column last year I wrote about the "perception" statistics, from which it could be seen that the mayor is full of baloney when he says crime is down.
We have another year of statistics (provided by the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center) to look at.
Remember, when looking at trends, we would like to start with the year 2002, because that is when Ed May was elected mayor. But our city did not report crime statistics to the state that year, for some unknown reason. So we go back to 2000.
Last year I also wrote about clearance rates, and showed how the clearance rates in Bessemer compared unfavorably to other cities our size. Clearance rate, you will recall, is the number of crimes cleared divided by the number of crimes recorded. A crime is considered cleared when enough evidence is gathered to charge a suspect or take one into custody.
In the report last year, for instance we saw that clearance rate for rape dropped from 38% to 15% between 2000 and 2008. In 2009, there were 24 rapes, and 6 were cleared, so the clearance rate showed an improvement - 25.
But don't break out the champagne yet. Compared to both 2000 (when there were 5 homicides) and 2008 (6 homicides), homicide in Bessemer increased in 2009, to 10 (with only 3 cleared). Robbery is up in 2009 (209) compared to both 2000 (174) and 2008 (193). Burglary is up in 2009 (1170) compared to both 2000 (802) and 2008 (1046). Total crimes were up in 2009 (4381) compared to both 2000 (4176) and 2008 (4295).
So far in 2010 there have been at least 6 murders in Bessemer, as seen in this map of murder locations in the Birmingham area.
The clearance rate for all crimes in Bessemer is 15% and this is an improvement. The police are doing a better job of solving crimes, it seems, in the face of more crime.
And as long as we treat crime as a nebulous "perception" rather than a serious problem, it will continue to grow.
It takes more than telling your neighbors about Jesus to solve the crime problem of Bessemer. Maybe some new ideas, some new strategies, police substations that are open on weekends (seriously), police getting out of their cars and walking the neighborhoods, getting to know the folks. A new mayor.
Today's Western Star poses a question.
They want to know why hundreds of Kenneth Gulley signs are disappearing.
I have a theory. We've seen people selectively taking up signs on our block. They even reached in over our fence and took a sign.
But signs, even "Re-elect Ed May" signs, do not equal votes. In my neighborhood, as I was walking to the track today, I noticed that Ed May operatives had been through. Lot's of flyers. But, I also noticed that the people must not be too impressed because the sidewalks and yards were littered with the things where people had thrown them down, probably in disgust.

The flyers have been tossed aside, just as the mayor should be.

A lot will be said before the election on August 24. But no one can deny that crime is still a problem, not a perception, and that crime rates that are either increasing or remaining virtually the same are not acceptable and are not progress. And we want progress!
1 comment:
Joe I know that you know this but I'm going to put it up so others will see it. I was foot running on Ave K and Dartmouth one Sunday morning and some man started to follow me and would wait at areas where he could speak. I avoided him but he just kept following me. I stopped at the police substation to report him as I was 2.5 miles from home and there was no one there. I was starting to get scared and stayed in front of the station for about half an hour. Didn't see him anymore and started home. Got over the hill on Ave K and there he came. I called the Lipscomb police when I got home and they sent a car around to look for him. Don't know if they ever found him but only seen him a couple of times since and no words were said. Substations I thought were suppose to be open in crime areas to protect the public, what happened here. Thanks for putting this up.
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