The Year of Moving Forward

The Year of Moving Forward
At our 4 person wedding reception in DC

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I take a few days off for a much needed vacation and all hell breaks loose. I mean, I miss out on blogging about two Republican sex scandals, only of interest to me because of the hypocrisy (both of these guys were critical of Bill Clinton for his Monica thing and here they are screwing around on their spouses thinking they are immune to discovery and above the rest of the male gender).

So I'm not even going to write about them, except to say that my interest in South Carolina has been heightened, but for a different reason. That will be revealed over the next few days. Nothing surprising, I just don't have the time right now to write it. And today, I am glad to see the list of potential Republican 2012 Presidential candidates shrinking (my God, it's just 2009 anyway, we can have a lot more candidates emerge and a lot more Republican sex scandals before the next campaign begins).

I miss out on the demise of City Stages, which it appears is done for.

I miss out on Richard Scrushy...oh, never mind...he's not worth five words on this blog.

I miss out on the Jefferson County Commission's hand wringing as they realize that no matter how they twist it and turn it and blame it and point fingers, it's their ball game and everything comes back to them. Don't blame the Alabama Supreme Court. Don't blame the State Legislature. And don't expect any occupational tax to pass the legislature or pass muster unless it treats all workers fairly and does away with the exemption enjoyed by the privileged.

But this brings a sense of urgency. A Gay Exorcism.

This is what your "ex-gay" ministries are doing, but the damage to kids can be much more subtle from the teachings of so many churches.

While in New York we came across this store:

and you recall that a while back I wrote about Mitchell Gold's book, "Crisis".

So we went in the store, which actually sells furniture, of course, and bought the book. The book shares the stories of about 40 gay people and how the church and society affected them and how they overcame it. Well, the one's who survived. I'm reading it now, and over the next few days will share some of the stories. I have already posted about several of the subjects of the book, and will reference back to them.

Now I hear, too that Michael Jackson has died. What a loss. Maybe not every one's favorite, but a top entertainer never the less.

Here's part of the "Thriller" video, which set the bar high for music videos.

Both Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, who also died today, will be remembered with affection.

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