The Year of Moving Forward

The Year of Moving Forward
At our 4 person wedding reception in DC

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Five

1) At the Pensacola Teabagging Party at least one person told the truth. Watch.

"back in 2000, there was a budget surplus in the country [lukewarm cheers], and then the next eight years, it was destroyed by the profligate spending of the Bush administration."

"Your taxes are going to be cut under the current budget—congratulations!"

"So let’s remember that if you’re going to argue about lower taxes and less spending to place the blame where the blame belongs—and that’s squarely in the hands of the Republican Congress and the Bush administration."

Did the guy make it out alive? (Thanks Kathy )

2) See whats developing at the Jonesboro Community Garden and view pictures. Bessemer Science and Nature .

3) What a surprise. The day that I promote my friend Malcolm Marler's web site, he comes out!
Malcolm's Coming Out. I kind of suspected.

4) Be safe this weekend. Be aware of your surroundings. If anything seems unusual, be suspicious.

5) Be sure to read what I had to say about Legion Field in The Western Tribune. It follows this post.

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