Visit Bessemer Science and Nature and help me identify a plant from the farm. Help.
These grapes are plentiful on the arbor. By tomorrow there will be homemade grape jelly. Today I have peas to can.
Here is a view of part of the garden. In the bare part, if you look closely, you can see that peas are sprouting. That is the area where 50 pounds of seed potatoes were planted and around 200 pounds of potatoes were harvested. Crop rotation, good for the soil.
Behind the pea patch are speckled butterbeans. I brought back a mess of those. They will be producing for a while yet. Several rows of tomatoes and corn are behind that.
In the other part of the garden the cabbage is about done, but a few heads remain. Squash and cucumbers, more tomatoes, Fordhook beans, and green beans are all coming in. The green beans just keep on producing. You can see the edge of one of the grape arbors on the right margin of the picture.
When you have a garden like that, you get a cupboard like this. By the end of the week, there will be green beans, more pickles and okra, tomatoes and or salsa and more. By the end of the summer, they may have to build on another room. This is a great example of a family working together. Three siblings, their spouses, an aunt, a grandmother. Everybody pitching in and doing what they can.
Communities can do this too, and should. We are seeing this come together in the form of community gardens in Bessemer. Stay tuned.
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