As if I expected every Democrat to win.
No, but when you 'work' for a party you support your candidates and you promote them and hope for the best.
I don't apologize for that. I don't duck and run.
So, here are some positive things from my perspective on the election.
Everyone in this state knows it is a red state. That is why the Blue Dot was developed here.

My candidate for the 7th congressional district, Terri Sewell, won handily. Of course that was expected and almost assured. But I supported Terri from when it first rumored that she would run. We needed a woman in congress and now we have one. Here she is in Selma last night at the historic St. James Hotel, thanking her supporters.

Here Terri and her mother are being interviewed by a Montgomery television reporter.

I personally thanked Terri's mother for giving birth to her, and for raising her as she did.
The County
Another bright spot is that Jefferson County's vote returned to Democratic in the governor's race.
Ron Sparks received 104,098 votes to Robert Bentley's 100,934. Not a huge margin, but a 51% to 49%.
Compare that to 2006 when Bob Riley took 53% of the vote in Jefferson County, compared to Lucy Baxley's 47%, and 2002 race when Don Siegelman had 56% and Bob Riley had 43%.
I'm leaving out 2008's Jefferson county vote for Obama, because I am comparing apples to apples with the governor's race.
The pendulum swings.
The Constitution
Here's a bright spot. All of the statewide amendments lost. For those of us that advocate constitutional reform, it indicates that the Alabama voters don't like the process either. Trouble is, most elected Republicans don't support true reform, so I don't expect anything from the Alabama legislature, or at least not a convention to write an new constitution anytime soon.
The Gays
For the ever increasing majority that believe in LGBT equality, a record 106 openly gay candidates were elected across the country. Here are some highlights.
Lexington Kentucky elected a gay man as mayor, construction executive Jim Gray.
North Carolina elected their first openly gay state legislator, Marcus Brandon.
Rhode Island will send an openly gay man to congress, as Providence mayor David Cicilline will represent his district in Washington, and will be the fourth openly gay member of congress.
Click on the link to read more.
The Nation
Across the nation, we avoided having two of the most unqualified and unprepared candidates elected to the senate, and one of those defeats means the Senate majority Harry Reid will remain in office. May we never have to hear from Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell again.
As for the future along the national scene, I have my doubts that the Republican gains will translate into Republican love over the next two years. They were the Party of No for the previous two years. Before that they were the Party of Yes to both tyranny and wasteful spending. A few new shrill voices will have a difficult time transforming the established Republicans into Teabaggers that want to cut, oh, say, farm subsidies and Medicare benefits and unemployment benefits and the things Americans hold dear.
And their leaders John Boehner and Mitch McConnell (if in fact they remain the leaders) have said (collectively) that their primary goal is to make sure Obama is a one term president and that they would not compromise. Obama reached out to them during the first two years and they refused to work with the Democrats, who thinks they will now?
And Boehner, whose emotional swings range from screaming, "Hell, no," in the House to crying after victory (it's not like it was his first win, remember), will not have the steadfastness nor the demeanor to be an effective leader in Congress. Just a prediction.
All this could easily result in two years of ineffective government, the Republicans in congress getting the blame, and a second term for Obama and another swing in the house with democratic gains in 2012.
The Hotel
Ms. Sewell's reception was held at the St. James Hotel in Selma, and Bobby and I spent the night there after the event. One word of advice. In a one hundred sixty year old building, when the elevator is stuck, and a while later they say it is working, don't believe them. We got stuck in the elevator, but there was no panic. They "reset" it, whatever that means, from the outside, and we were able to ride up to our third floor room, after just a few minutes.
Here is a view of the courtyard that is surrounded by rooms.
A ground level view of the fountain in the courtyard.
Now the first African-American woman to go to congress from Alabama celebrates in the same hotel. Neat, huh?
Here is the view of the Alabama river and the Edmund Pettus Bridge from our balcony, as the sun was rising.
Selma, like Terri, is an Alabama jewel.
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